Technology is the application of scientific knowledge and skills to the practical aims and goals of evolving human life. Undoubtedly, technology has made life easier by combining development and innovation as its two pillars. It has not only opened a plethora of opportunities to the youth but also has made working processes much simpler and time-saving. But, as there are two sides to every coin, the use of technology has detrimental effects on our ecosystem. Industrial technology has led to depletion of our resources and increase in pollution levels, usage of technological electronic devices causing climate change, ozone depletion and much more. Yet, technology has become a very integral part of our lives that it is impossible to live without technological intervention in today’s world.
Analyzing the core meaning of the term, “technology” not only refers to the machines and equipment that is causing damage to the ecosystem, it is the ability to use talents, skills and knowledge to make things happen easily. Sometimes, the ‘solution to a problem is the problem itself’! Today, as our world is on the brink of an environmental annihilation, technology can play an important role in coupling development and ecosystem restoration together. This concept has led to the term “Environmental technology”, also known as ‘green’ or ‘clean’ technology, which is the development of new technologies to monitor and reduce the negative impact of technology on the ecosystem and consumption of resources.
Apart from this, integration of current engineering technologies to environmental technology can also help in restoring our ecosystem. Smart home technology using the Internet of Things (IoT) can be used to remotely monitor and program devices to be energy efficient. The Internet of Things (IoT) technology helps in enabling the concept of smart homes, smart cities using embedded sensors to reduce energy consumption. An intelligent lighting system that illuminates areas only at night, or a smart water leakage detector that can prevent water wastage due to leakage are few examples.
The advent of digitalization due to technological growth has reduced deforestation by minimizing the amount of paper for files, invoices and documentation. Technology has also facilitated the usage of renewable energy like solar or wind power that reduces air pollution due to burning of fossil fuels. Technological innovations aimed at reducing pollution like Direct Air Capture (DAC) to remove excess CO2, artificial intelligence to track wildfires, drones to plant trees are other remarkable inventions for restoring our ecosystem.
Technology is a double-edged sword — it is capable both of doing and undoing damage to environmental quality. Nature and the ecosystem around us inspire technology. It acts as a reference from which we can innovate, by teaching us what will and will not work. Similarly, our ecosystem is teaching us how to use technology in a sustainable way by helping us power our lives differently and be more aware of our environment. Hence, it is required that we understand the true purpose of technology and prevent it from casting its effect on our ecosystem with our innovation, creativity and the responsibility to save the world.